We are one of the leading specialist retailers of bathroom, kitchen and home-improvement products in Singapore today. With our extensive portfolio of bathroom and kitchen products with more than 5.000 products available in our showrooms, you’ll be spoilt for choices!
Had gone to your main branch at Changi South Street on 13apr evening to make some enquiries and purchases. We are very impressed with Mr Roger Lim's top notch service. He is so professional and patient and has such good product knowledge. Because of him, my family are converted sim siang choon fans. Such a great personnel and the company is indeed lucky to have such a dynamic and service oriented staff like him 👍👍
Nicole Lee
“My family and I went to your main showroom at Changi South to get kitchen and bathroom items for our new home. We were attended by one of your most helpful staff, Alan Liu. There were a few times when we had to change our orders, and Alan was super efficient with his assistance. For your ease of reference, our Sales Order #CS/SO/0028389. We would like to extend our thanks and comment Alan for making our shopping experience at Sim Siang Choon a pleasant one! Thank you, Alan! Cheers, Melati & Family”
Melati Mohamed
“Please give my regards to Steven from your Changi Showroom Outlet! I love his recommendations! We have been long time supporters of your expertise, my dad's apartment has Caroma Australia fitting and your German taps! Now I have VRH and Paffoni including your Ariston showroom display.”